Discover Cuban Arts and
Honor International Women’s Day

March 3 - 9, 2025

Come Join Us!
for an 8-day trip to Cuba to celebrate International Women’s Day with Cuban women and explore the Cuban arts scene---architecture, visual arts, music, dance, performing arts, photography etc. (Men are welcome, too.)
This is a cultural trip coinciding with a period of change in Cuba—with a new government, new constitution, and new values.
We are very excited as the date approaches for our upcoming trip to Havana! Please see itinerary, here:
The Center for Studies of Psychology and Sociology (CIPS) in Havana will be our hosts; they will give us an overview of the ‘new’ Cuba--the new constitution and vision for the future. In addition, we want to learn about and connect with Cuban citizens on the following topics: the arts: visual arts, performing arts, literary art; status of women in Cuba; health and reproductive rights; education and career opportunities; impact of the #MeToo movement. We expect to visit museums, attend performances and visit interesting landmarks and neighborhoods in and around Havana.

We make all in-country arrangements, including obtaining visas, insurance, accommodations, and advice on travel from USA. ​With over 20 years of experience organizing and leading people-to-people exchanges in Cuba, we are uniquely positioned to give you the opportunity to connect directly with the Cuban people.

Accommodations: Havana offers a range of hotels from medium priced to high-end (for instance, the famous Nacional, built in the 1930s, overlooking the sea), as well as more economical but very comfortable Airbnbs and casa particulares (where you stay with a family). Often, tour participants enjoying having rooms near one another. Let us know your preference.
Travel: Several airlines provide service to Havana from NY, Miami, and Montreal. CAFS will provide information to help with travel arrangements. Roundtrip airfare can range from $400 - $700+.
Questions about travel to Cuba? See our FAQ page or Contact Us.